There are so many stories and theories explaining the origins of life. It would be absurd to assert that in this entire universe only our planet Earth sustains life. Life force could have been originated anywhere in this universe. The God or the supreme power we earthlings venerate is supposed to be the initial life force. I am not giving theories about the origin of God but I would like to tell you how humans came to Earth.
The God or the initial life force had fully evolved and had reproduced what we call the demi-Gods. The God and his tribe of demi-Gods had advanced and reached the pinnacle in all technologies possible. Now what, everything was just perfect and harmonious. Believe me if everything becomes perfect, life becomes monotonous and boring, imperfections add spice to life.
But in God's world nothing could be disturb the harmony of perfection, so the demi-gods convened an assembly and it was decided to create life with lesser intelligence and watch it develop and struggle with imperfections(It is supposed to be a movie for gods) and control their destinies(This served the gaming purpose).
So God and his team of engineers and explorers started searching for a platform to launch their project. Now it is quite obvious that this platform is Earth. God's engineers started working on various aspects of the environment that surrounds us.
Some designed immovable life(plants) and some movable life(animals) and some designed forces of nature as humans know and some designed emotions that would develop in the Earth's environment(Human emotions like love hate, anger etc were inbuilt into this system).Now, we can view Earth as an Operating System for God.
The initial life on Earth was designed for testing and the test results were encouraging to continue designing life with higher intelligence. So the platform (the Earth) had to be reset for new entities to be introduced. As result, the meteors came crashing down on Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs and other test life forms.
Testing continued with increased intelligence levels and after several resets(the ice ages),came the humans. Humans were prototypes of demi-Gods themselves with intelligence levels at par with their own. With the advent of Humans, stage was set for the first play station of demi-Gods. The goal of the game was to reach the pedestal of God struggling with all the forces of nature and other living beings.
Humans started with zero knowledge levels and needed utility tools for sustenance and development. The God's engineers who designed forces of nature sent humans the updates on harnessing these forces(very much like the updates we get for the softwares and patches for operating systems). Humans revered these engineers and started worshipping them. This is the beginning of religion and very well explains the practice of polytheism in early civilizations.
Demi-gods controlled the destinies of their pawns (the humans) and soon they were vigorously competing with each other. These competitions became unhealthy and the demi-gods got split in two groups- the angels and demons. The demons were responsible for creating and spreading viruses (tyrants and savages) and angels countered them with anti-viruses(superhumans and powerful weapons).
Humans, being an active part of this struggle between angels and demons, were approached for help by the both sides for added advantage. Humans took sides carefully in exchange for the technology of demi-gods. Humans became masters of extremely powerful technology unnoticed by both the groups. Humans who started out as pawns had actually become players now. But Earth itself had become a mess and the great God left humans and demi-gods to their fate, yes fate started affecting the demi-gods too.
By the time demi-gods realised this it was too late and a great war started which resulted in complete annihilation of demi-gods and near-complete annihilation of humans(Humans were smart enough to hide and protect their kind). Though humans had won the war but had considerably lost their life span and got reset frequently (life-death cycle). As result, the data storehouse of the technology they acquired vanished as humans rebuilt their civilization slowly from the ruins of the war.
Everything started anew for humans with no strings attached and with no one controlling their destinies. Since humans were the only intelligent legacy of God, He helped them out time and again you can guess how (You can attribute all turning points in Known history to Him). But this time He gave technology to them one at a time so that humans could learn all the pros and cons of the technology and advance sensibly and responsibly. It has been nearly 9,500 years since the great war and humans had regained just 35% of the lost technology.
This is an overview of the novel I am working on.