Hi everyone, I am back .....yeah still alive after some encounters with freaks.
Now that I will be entering corporate world, I decided to learn socialising with people and went about to try to make friends. I came across a girl, great looking girl actually and tried to befriend her. So I started a conversation with her and we talked about many things about personal likes and dislikes and then we came across the topic what we would relish most. I told her that I had crabs when I was 7 and I think I relished them most than anything else. You should have seen her face then, really horrific face she made. That was the end of the discussion. She blew me off saying I sucked. Well, it took some time to recover and to know exactly what hit me. A part of my mind was hell bent on labelling all girls as freaks. I simply shaked it off and moved on. Now I met this another girl (I made sure she was a non vegetarian before I talked to her) and as the topic hovered around food I just told her the same as I did to the earlier girl. But this time reaction was like "WHAT! YOU haven't had crabs for last 14 years!! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SURVIVING??" This expression really freaked me out. Now I wonder if I am myself a freak or people I meet are freaks.