Actions not just dreams bring changes in the world. You may be a great thinker or philosopher but as long as you don't put your thoughts into action you can't even move a leaf. World sees you through your actions. You will be known for your actions rather than what you think. You may be a noble human on the inside but when it comes to do the right thing you may falter, reasons may be many. At the same time a Devil may act as an angel. But people around you don't have the patience to know what you really are and opinions are formed based on your actions. Your relations survive on this perception. Many of us crib that others don't understand us but its up to you to make yourselves known to others. If you really want to win friends you need to open up, show your true colors and do the right actions. This is how you become a better person by trying to be better in the eyes of the world. Just start acting good rather than thinking good, you might come out as a better person.
kahan se taipa????
original hai
too gud,
Nothingness n ur life has realy inspired u 2 do smethin meaningful.
i must say u used ur mind cleverly 2 rite sme f my lines n ur way...
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