I was staring in dark. It was pitch black all around. I could not remember how I ended up here. I looked all around for some source of light, an opening through which I could get out of here, but it was like as if all sources of light in the universe were alluding me.
I moved around in the dark to feel and touch things around me, but to my surprise I could feel nothing but the hard ground beneath. I wondered what on Earth was this place with no light and no objects around. Was I trapped somewhere or had I gone blind?
I was not sure if my senses were alright. I called out "HELLO" and the sound echoed. I was glad my voice was intact and so were my ears. I decided to move further in the direction I was standing, hoping that I might find my way out. I walked and walked but damn this great blank space it seemed there was no end. I was getting desperate to atleast touch something that would guide me out.
Now that I had walked a long distance and felt confident about the flat surface below and was sure there would be no obstacles, I decided to run so that I could cover some distance quickly. I ran a few yards and then a blow on the face "WHACK". What the heck did I hit, was it a hanging wall ?
I was hit pretty hard on the nose and blood trickled down my nose and my eyes were filled with tears. It took sometime to came back to my senses. I shaked my head and sat up and opened my eyes. And then, a bright flash, I could not open my eyes. All this while I was yearning for light and now I could not even open my eyes.
I somehow adjusted my eyes and opened them looking into my hands. I was feeling dizzy as I looked around. I was sitting on the road in bright sun and my hands and knees were bruised. My cycle lied beside me. Then I remembered I was riding cycle with my friend.
My friend came running towards me and said "Did you fall asleep riding a bicycle ? The way you fell down, you amused me". I asked what happened, then he said I had left my arms free off the handle and I was riding looking upwards and I fell when I hit the speed breaker. I laughed at myself, I indeed had fallen asleep riding a bicycle.
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