Hey, just don't start drawing conclusions. I am not suggesting that God is human and I am very much a believer as you are. I don't know how God looks like, maybe He emits rays of light that couldn't be seen by human eyes or human made devices. God is the creator of all universe and it is He who runs the show.
I was thinking about God when a doubt passed my mind.
Doesn't God ever get bored when everything runs according to His laws and His predefined path? Well, He knows where to find His objects and what will be the next course of action of His object(By object here, I mean His creations). That is how we humans perceive Him to be all powerful and all knowing.
Why this (blasphemous to some of you) thought crossed my mind? I don't want to speak very high philosophy here. I just want to put my views here as guy who loves to play computer games.
Computer games are designed by humans and played by humans. When you start playing single player computer games and move towards the finish, you come to identify all the loopholes, exit paths and shortest paths in the game. When you play the game again you know what to anticipate next. As you play the game again and again you master the game. When you master the game and when there are no challenges left, you eventually get bored and stop playing that game.
Even when you play multiplayer games, its all about reading the minds of other human players. After playing with a set of humans for sometime, you can always predict their moves if you are a good observer.
So I see that all our lives and the forces of nature are just part of God's big game. Since He is the One who created this game, he too must be bored. And when you get bored with all that you have or you can have, you cease to exist.
But again I am not ready to accept that God has ceased to exist as I have witnessed some amazing miracles in my own life(I will tell you about one in my next post).
So, what keeps us from boredom and keeps us engaged is the unpredictability and uncertainity in life. Some keen observers may predict about the environment and people around them but they can never predict what the nature has in store for them.
Try putting yourself in God's place. Assume you have all His powers, you could read the minds of fellow humans and manipulate them as you wish. You can make people work for you with your powers and and make people like you and love you but not because of their natural instinct to love you but because you are manipulating them to love you. It is as good as making a robot work for you or assume a doll that is sitting next to you is loving you. Would you love such life, such mechanical life? When everything gets so predictable, life becomes monotonous and its difficult to find purpose in that life.
So it is the unpredictability that makes human life spicier.
I believe even God has an element(It can be very minute) of unpredictability affecting Him. He too has to be uncertain at some level that drives Him to evolve and continue to exist. Maybe for the uncertainity factor He plays dice(a multifaced dice ---> I know how to cheat with a 6 faced dice) or does some random function. This randomness makes God human at some point, at some level(at a very minute level).
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