The two warriors faced each other in the battlefield.
Few years backs it was hard to imagine that these two warriors who were once inseperable could be facing each other in a battlefield. They had grown up together and were taught by the same master.
Each one was equally skillful and adept in using all the weapons known to mankind.They had learnt every art form of war and battle strategy. These two being exceptionally gifted were unrivalled in all known methods of fighting and warfare. But what endeared them to all was their humility and compassion for their fellow humans.
The two were quite close to each other and as a team had won many tournaments in their school. The beautiful thing in their friendship was that both respected each other for one's skills like true masters. As they completed their education, their master sent them in different directions to try their luck in the world as soldiers ,that is what he trained them for. The two bade their master and each other a tearful farewell and went on their way.
They enrolled themselves in city tournaments and won tournaments after tournaments as they move fron city to city. Both had taken the same path only that their directions were different. Soon they caught attention of their respective kings and were inducted into kings' army. They fought and won many battles for their kings and soon became generals. Overawed by their prowess, many enemies submitted themselves to them, some safely befriended them. Their own kings treated them like kings. Soon the known Earth was divided into two big empires.
History would have been beautiful had the two empires ignored each other, if could not shake hands. But damn the human nature, each empire wanted to prove its superiority. Both the emperors called upon their vassal kings and ministers and decided to go to war. Now our poor warriors bound by their loyalty to their kings readied themselves for the battle.
As the two armies stood face to face, it was a magnificient sight to see such a large crowd dressed in shining armours and carrying their shining lances and waiting to slaughter each other. The two warriors had seen enough bloodshed in their life as they conquered kingdoms after kingdoms. So they spoke to their kings and it was agreed to fight each one's best soldier and the losing side would submit itself to the other. As a result, the two friends faced each other,with tears in their eyes and a great urge to embrace each other.
With heavy hearts they picked their swords and shields. Once they started fighting there was no place for human emotions, they had completely transformed into warrior modes. Both armies stood watching them fight and could not stop praising them for their moves, the attacks and the defenses were worth an ode. The fight went on and on and none of them showed a sign of fatigue. It seemed their fight would never end and no result was in sight. Then suddenly a sword struck one of the warrior's head and he fell down dead. A moment's hesitation did him in.
This was the moment everyone waited for and the winning warrior's army broke the agreement and attacked the opposing army viciously. Demoralised by their hero's fall, they could not offer any resistance and simply fell like pack of cards.
Now the Earth was ruled by a single empire. Historians deified the winner, attributed him with superhuman and godly virtues that were not his. They simply made him look like God for the generations to come. But a hero has no value if he doesn't have a formidable foe. The warrior who died defending his country was villified, and basest of vices were painted on his character convincingly. He was made to look like a monster for the future generations to loathe him. The bloody power struggle was described as triumph of good over evil.
That's how victors and winners doctor and manipulate history.
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